Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Roles of Local & Foreign authorities

Government Agencies and their Roles

Local- Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA): AVA adopts a science-based risk analysis and management approach based on international standards to evaluate and ensure food safety.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA): domestic and imported foods, eggs

U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS): meat and poultry, pasteurized egg products (unshelled eggs).

1) Basically, AVA responsibility is to allow or disallow (give permission) for overseas countries companies products whether they are permitted to transport food to Singapore.
2) Check the level of additives/preservatives used in the foods, if it is over the permitted limits.

3) Responsible that the food imported and locally made by the food industry are safe to consume
by the public (Singaporean)
4) Lastly.... Local authority set the requirements and guide lines that are needed on the product (food labeling)

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