Thursday, April 5, 2007

Foodborne pathogens and ways to prevent it

Some coomon foodborne pathogens that can be present in frozen cakes:

Staphylococcus aureus are found in humans, mainly caused by the food handlers during production.
It seldom linked to food poisoning outbreak from consumption of raw products.
High level of Staphylococcus must be present before it causes illness in human.
It survived well in foods stored at -20˚C and is resistant to freezing and thawing.
To prevent it: It can be readily killed by cooking; however, the toxins are heat stable and will survive. Thus, temperature and time of the process must be control properly

Samonella can be found in food and some commonly identified one are EGGs, Poultry, Meat and Meat products. (our product consists of Egg)
It can survive for long periods in foods.
To prevent it: High temperature of cooking can killed
CRITICAL LIMITs: Absence ~ cannot be present

ACCeptable range for some of the microbes:
Bacillus Cereus <10^3
Escherichia coli Not detected ~ Absence
Samonella Not detected ~ Absence
Staphylococcus <10^5
Listeria mono. Not detected ~ Absence
TPC <10^5
Yeast and mold <10^3

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